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YOLO v3 Objects Detection with Custom Data

Course on how to build your own Detector based on YOLO version 3 algorithm

by Valentyn Sichkar     YouTube

YOLO v3 Objects Detection with Custom Data

Build your own Detector based on YOLO v3

The Course

Training YOLO v3 for Objects Detection with Custom Data. Build your own detector by labelling, training and testing on image, video and in real time with camera. Available here:

Detections on images (example)

Detections on Images

Content of the Course

You will be able to

Apply trained YOLO v3
Label dataset in YOLO format
Create custom dataset in YOLO format
Convert existing dataset of Traffic Signs in YOLO format
Train YOLO v3
Build PyQt GUI

Concept Map of the Course

Concept Map of the Course

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